Perhaps it is time to discuss the elephant in the room.
You know whatI'mtalkin'bout.
Now, I'll be the first to admit, I recoiled backward several yards upon first hearing of these bad boys. However, I do admit that certain tasteful mass retailers such as J.Crew and Zara have managed to execute the style in an attractive manner. I myself do not own jeggings in their true form, yet I will nod in respect to another (female) member of society who does choose to wear an appropriately styled pair.
My main concern here, however, is with the backwoods family of jeggings seen most prominently on boardwalks (on BOTH coasts!!) and on the span of Broadway in NYC between 25th and 30th streets. Think: spray painted faux Ed Hardy type deals. Or printed denim on microfiber spandex.
Can someone PLEASE explain the rationale behind printing stitches on leggings? Do you think we can't tell that these "stitches" seem to be quite warped and elongated across the backside of the wearer in question? A most unflattering look indeed! Hundreds of tiny stretchable printed lines charting the undulations of the bod.
Again, correct me if I'm wrong but the main function of leggings should probably be as a streamlining garment. No bulky waistbands or unflattering whiskering commonly seen on jeans. Obnoxious screenprints or spraypainted biznass probably negate any potential figure flattering that a legging could do.
So while I'm still having a rough time coming to terms with what a fly-less crotchal region on the front of a pair of jeggings can do to some wearers choosing to wear shorter length shirts, I will send out a mental peace offering. A tasteful, refined jegging can be executed appropriately. It can "be the right outfit for the daaaay," as little Edie from Grey Gardens would say. But for goodness sakes, let's leave screenprinting to the t-shirt world!