One of my fabulous scouts has alerted me to a most unfortunate issue. An issue that I naively believed to be buried in the early 2000's. An issue that appears much more resistant to the purifying nature of cyclical fashionbiotics than I had hoped.
Now this isssssh(u) needs to be handled with a delicate hand, as it centers around a most delicate topic of taste in jewlz. So let's get "real" here: nothing screams questionability like a massive cubic zirconia square-cut stud pulling down on ones earlobe.
Number one: We all know that a rock that size cannot exist outside of the Tower of London. Why must absurd exaggeration be the choice here? Particularly where diamond size is concerned, there is a steeply sloped bell-curve of believability. Something a little more subtle could in fact be perceived as legitimate. Oh the perils of catching the Diamondique bug!
Number two: We can hear your earlobe wailing and gnashing it's metaphoric teeth from here. For goodness sake, free the poor lobe from it's bedazzled torment!
Now, I must confess to owning a pair of cz's back in the day. This was approximately during the same time period when I deemed it appropriate to be wearing Air Force Ones. We must all forgive ourselves for stylistic transgressions of yesteryear. The important point here is that in 2010 there are many wonderful options for ear ornaments besides cubic zirconia - or real diamonds for that matter.